Thursday, March 25, 2010
Catching up with an old mate

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Robbie’s Rome
Audience with the Pope
Sunday, March 14, 2010
...off to Rome for 3 days...
Hi Bloggers
We're off to Rome for 3 days. Can one of you please feed the gold fish (bottom of blog) while we're away? Left clicking you mouse will dispense food for them. We had a busy week and a pretty quiet weekend: went to Pistoia (and Florence) on Saturday and kicked a soccer ball with the boys all day (!) Sunday. Perfect Spring weather (a few days after snow!). If you need to contact us while we're away, please use SMS.
We're off to Rome for 3 days. Can one of you please feed the gold fish (bottom of blog) while we're away? Left clicking you mouse will dispense food for them. We had a busy week and a pretty quiet weekend: went to Pistoia (and Florence) on Saturday and kicked a soccer ball with the boys all day (!) Sunday. Perfect Spring weather (a few days after snow!). If you need to contact us while we're away, please use SMS.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Pisa, snow, more soccer
As I type this, it is snowing gently outside. The boys spent the morning (in between lessons!) gazing out the window and then sticking their heads out to catch the snowflakes in their mouths!! We’ve decided to put our Rome trip “on ice” (ha! ha!) for a few weeks until the weather clears up. Home-schooling is good fun (if there are no distractions!) but it is also a challenge. Robbie told me this morning (after I thought that I had competently explained something) that he “would rather do it the old-fashioned way, thanks”! On Saturday the sun shone brightly so we decided to go to Pisa (about 90 minutes from Prato). Our response to our first sight of the Leaning Tower delighted our taxi driver! It is spectacular. As you can see in the photo, I tried to straighten it (like every other dopey tourist)! The “Field of Miracles” is home to the tower, Italy’s largest baptistery and yet another stunning cathedral. After lunch, we took a ride around the old town on a 4-wheeler “bike” (quadcycle?), going the wrong way down one-ways and generally causing a bit of havoc on the roads (getting our own back). A gelato later (by now a daily occurrence), on our way home on the train, we took a family ‘vote’ (3-0, with 1 abstention) and decided to drop by the soccer stadium (of all places!) and chance our luck for tickets to the big match: Fiorentina/Juventus (according to Wikipedia, Juventus is Italy’s most successful soccer team ever). We managed to get great seats and I must admit, the crowd, the atmosphere and of course, the soccer was incredible. The stadium was a haze of purple, red and white and the chanting was deafening. I was entertained by the “older lady” behind us who yelled the entire match, “Madonna, Madonna, Mama Mia @#$%”. After a wonderful day, we trained back to Prato: happy, weary, a bit down-heartened (Fiorentina lost 2-1) and slightly deaf!! Another tough day in Toscana...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Rob's ramblings
Friday, March 5, 2010
Spandau gold!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Siena and Cortona
Last Saturday morning we hired a little car (Fiat Panda) and with no map and no sat nav (welcome to Hertz Prato!), off we set, on the ‘wrong side of the road’. The speed and rudeness of the Italian drivers initially wrong-footed us, but Mike fought back hard calling on all his South African driving experience! Our ‘Tom-tom’ was an 11 year-old who maintained his ‘cool’ long enough to navigate his family through the Tuscan and Umbrian countryside...picture postcard stuff. Stunning GREEN landscapes, olive groves, stone walls, villas dotted on the hills and cypress trees standing like exclamation marks on the horizon. We were charmed by Siena (named after our little friend Siena Whyte!). The hill town has traditionally played second fiddle to Florence, but has a unique charm of its own and is well worth a visit. Highlights included the shell-shaped Piazza del Campo and the duomo is the best we’ve seen to date – indescribable (see picture). Cortona was also lovely, but since being popularised by Frances May’s book (Under the Tuscan Sun), it now attracts droves of tourists, which is beginning to upset US locals!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Boot purchase prevents disaster
Lee-Ann Ewing, formerly the only women under 60 in the whole of Italy not to wear stylish boots all day every day, bought a gorgeous brown pair yesterday. Australia’s ambassador to Italy, Amanda Vanstone, said that the Rudd Government was profoundly embarrassed that an Australian national had so flagrantly flaunted Italian fashion sense for two long weeks. Prime Minister Berlusconi said that he is just relieved the whole incident is now over and hopes that ordinary Tuscans can get on with their lives, without ever having to see Aussie Blundstones again. Ms. Ewing could not be reached for a comment.
Italian MX
On Sunday we attended the second round of the Italian MX championships. Some very good GP riders were there, including former and reigning world MX1 champions, Italians David Philippaerts (2008) and Tony Cairoli (2009 – see picture). The former GP track at Castiglione del Lago was very scenic (Lee-Ann). Despite what the reader may think, Mike in no way engineered this remarkably fortuitous coincidence (of being at the right place at the right time). We actually just happened to see a MX poster in a shop window in Cortono – and discovered that the track was just 10 minutes away. That said, the hotel where we spent the night did not get the L-A stamp of approval....but that’s a topic for another day
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