Hi Bloggers
We're off to Rome for 3 days. Can one of you please feed the gold fish (bottom of blog) while we're away? Left clicking you mouse will dispense food for them. We had a busy week and a pretty quiet weekend: went to Pistoia (and Florence) on Saturday and kicked a soccer ball with the boys all day (!) Sunday. Perfect Spring weather (a few days after snow!). If you need to contact us while we're away, please use SMS.
I have now offically joined the Ewing global trot 2010 support team.
ReplyDeleteCathy and Riley (and Shya would if he had met you) send their love and we all enjoy following your exploits so please keep the bogs coming!!!
My photo is from a fancy dress party we attended last week-end - guess who I went as?
Wade xxxx
I meant "...please keep the B L O G S coming!